Past Life Regression – One Day Workshop via Zoom
Do you believe in past lives? If you do, then how interesting would it be to regress and see who you might have been in that past life? And on top of that, how great would it be to offer this as a service for your clients?
If you don’t believe, then how would you like to learn hypnotic techniques that give you a deeper insight into your own or your client’s subconscious?
Whether it’s actually a past life or not, there is insight in what our subconscious chooses to show us.
This course will provide underlying theory, research, and interesting science around past life regression. However, the majority of the course will teach you techniques to elicit past lives and allow you to practice those new skills, and use them with clients in the future.
In the Workshop you will learn:
- What is Past Life regression? Is it real? Does it need to be real to have therapeutic benefits?
- What does the research say? There are now countless ‘proven’ examples of Past Lives
- Have the opportunity to examine your own Past Lives
- Hypnotic techniques to regress into past lives
- Safety precautions when regressing into past lives
- Using past lives for therapeutic gain
- Fun or therapy – how to get the most out of the experience
About your Tutor: Dante Harker
Dante is a multi-disciplinary therapist, with over 20 years’ experience working with clients. He has developed an integrated approach to therapy including his own therapeutic techniques, Hypnotic Boxes™ and the brand-new Thought Vacuum™. He is also a certified counsellor, psychosexual specialist, NLP Master Practitioner, Life Coach, EFT and Hypnotherapist (and compulsive course taker).
What’s included?
The cost of the workshop includes worksheets to use with clients, all scripts and the presentation for later reference, a certificate of attendance and ongoing support by phone or e-mail.
Phone now to reserve your place – 07960 788093
I have just completed Dante Harker’s Past Life Regression course and it was fabulous. I went in with an open mind, as I had been put off this type of working being informed that it was almost a bit of a joke. However, it is by far that. Dante showed the different ways in which this method can be explored and how to use it in a therapeutic manner. My eyes were opened to so many amazing facts and areas of research which give this way of working real validation.
What I do have to mention though was it was by far the best presented CPD I have ever done, and I have completed many. I have never laughed so much and felt so engaged. So, for that Dante should receive a massive Gold Star! Great CPD thank you very much! VK