Insomnia and how to overcome it

overcoming insomniaAround the world, millions of people suffer from Insomnia - the inability to get enough restful sleep. This leads to all sorts of complications.


Insomnia leads to more than just being tired the next day. You may also suffer from poor concentration, altered moods, and your stress will probably increase. It can even affect your immune system, which means you become sick more often.

Even more dangerous is when insomnia goes unchecked for long periods. You may then experience drowsiness, and even falling asleep in places where you want to be awake and alert. Behind the wheel of your vehicle for example! Taking sleep medications can be counterproductive, because your body becomes reliant on the drugs. That only makes the problem worse. It's another reason why many people are turning to hypnosis to help with insomnia.

How hypnosis works

Hypnosis is a proven technique that goes directly to your subconscious. It plants suggestions in your mind that help you get a good night’s sleep. As a result, the worry, tension, and anxiety that may be keeping you from falling asleep fade away. So your mind and body relax and you get the sleep you deserve.

Plus, you can use the hypnosis therapy repeatedly until you have alleviated the cause of your insomnia. You simply fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. For those who suffer from insomnia that is caused by stress, anxiety, or similar reasons, hypnosis may be the best answer.

Why choose hypnosis?

You have good reasons to choose hypnosis to help insomnia. It has a proven track record for treating this condition. Around the world, millions of people have used hypnosis to stop smoking, alleviate stress, and deal with insomnia in a safe, effective manner.

It's drug-free: There are no drugs or medications used in hypnosis therapy. This means that you fall asleep naturally and can do so again night after night thanks to this remarkable treatment. It also means that you can combine hypnosis with other treatments that your doctor may prescribe to get a full night’s sleep.

It's safe: Hypnosis generally causes no after-effects, drowsiness, or other issues, unlike many other treatments for insomnia. This means that you go back to your normal sleep routine and not have unwanted side effects from the hypnosis.

It's effective: There is little doubt that hypnosis can work, as many patients can attest. The treatment is effective and can be repeated night after night if needed to ensure that you overcome your insomnia and sleep.

Hypnosis is the safe, effective and positive option for those who suffer from insomnia.

By planting suggestions in the mind, your body will feel relaxed and all the worry, tension, and anxiety will slip away. The next thing you know, you will wake up to the sunrise feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

Hypnosis may help many forms of insomnia, especially those that are caused by anxiety. If you are not getting a good night’s sleep and traditional treatments are not working, see if hypnosis can help you get the sleep you deserve.

What to do next

If you would like help to overcome insomnia or other sleep issues, we can help  you via face to face sessions at our therapy rooms in Nottinghamshire, or by Zoom video link Worldwide.

For more information or to book a 1:1 or Zoom appointment call us now
on 07958 689377 or 07960 788093
Home visits can sometimes be arranged if necessary.
